Gastrointestinal System Disorders Q 168 - Gyan Darpan : Learning Portal
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Wednesday 13 April 2022

Gastrointestinal System Disorders Q 168

Christina is receiving an enteral feeding that requires a concentration of 80 ml of supplement mixed with 20 ml of water. How much water do you mix with an 8 oz (240ml) can of feeding?
    A. 60 ml
    B. 70 ml
    C. 80 ml
    D. 90 ml

Correct Answer: A. 60 ml

Dosage problem. It’s 80/20 = 240/X. X=60. There are many different formulas that are used for enteral nutrition, and each formula is specific to the medical condition. For example, there are formulas for relatively healthy people, and those with cancer, diabetes, and kidney or liver disease, among other medical conditions. Most formulas will provide between 1.0-2.0 calories per mL of formula.

Option B: On average, enteral formulas deliver between 1.0-2.0 calories/mL of formula. To calculate how much formula is needed, divide the total calorie needs by the amount of calories per mL of formula. The total calories a person needs over a 24-hr period is calculated by multiplying BMR by the activity factor. The activity factor is a number used to represent how many calories a person burns through physical activity.
Option C: Enteral nutrition involves supplying nutrients directly into the stomach or intestines (the word ‘enteral’ comes from the word ‘entrails’, which means ‘intestines’). Enteral nutrition is often referred to as ‘tube feeding’ because a tube is used to supply a liquid formula directly into the GI tract. This liquid formula contains calories, fats, vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients needed for proper health and survival.
Option D: Enteral formulas are composed of carbohydrates, fats, proteins, micronutrients, and free water. The majority of the formulation (60-85%) is free water and can be easily calculated.

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