Emergency Nursing & Triage Q 29 - Gyan Darpan : Learning Portal
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Wednesday 23 March 2022

Emergency Nursing & Triage Q 29

When an unexpected death occurs in the emergency department, which task is the most appropriate to delegate to a nursing assistant?
    A. Assisting with postmortem care
    B. Facilitate meetings between the family and the organ donor specialist
    C. Escorting the family to a place of privacy
    D. Help the family to collect belongings

Correct Answer: A. Assisting with postmortem care.

Postmortem care requires some turning, cleaning, lifting, and so on, and the nursing assistant is able to assist with these duties. The use of NAPs increasingly demands registered nurses to delegate patient care tasks according to the principles of the ANA. These principles define nursing delegation as the “transfer of responsibility for the performance of an activity from one individual to another while retaining accountability for the outcome.”

Option B: The RN may delegate components of care, but does not delegate the nursing process itself. The practice of pervasive functions of assessment, planning, evaluation, and nursing judgment cannot be delegated. The decision of whether or not to delegate or assign is based upon the RN’s judgment concerning the condition of the patient, the competence of all members of the nursing team, and the degree of supervision that will be required of the RN if a task is delegated.
Option C: A licensed nurse should take responsibility for the other tasks to help the family begin the grieving process. The RN delegates only those tasks for which he or she believes the other health care worker has the knowledge and skill to perform, taking into consideration training, cultural competence, experience, and facility/agency policies and procedures.
Option D: In cases of questionable death, belongings may be retained for evidence, so the chain of custody would have to be maintained. The registered nurse individualized communication regarding the delegation to the nursing assistive personnel and client situation and the communication should be clear, concise, correct, and complete. The registered nurse verifies comprehension with the nursing assistive personnel and that the assistant accepts the delegation and the responsibility that accompanies it.

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