Burns and Burn Injury Q 46 - Gyan Darpan : Learning Portal
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Thursday 31 March 2022

Burns and Burn Injury Q 46

During the acute phase, the nurse applied gentamicin sulfate (topical antibiotic) to the burn before dressing the wound. The client has all the following manifestations. Which manifestation indicates that the client is having an adverse reaction to this topical agent?
    A. Increased wound pain 30 to 40 minutes after drug application
    B. Presence of small, pale pink bumps in the wound beds
    C. Decreased white blood cell count
    D. Increased serum creatinine level

Correct Answer: D. Increased serum creatinine level

Gentamicin is nephrotoxic and sufficient amounts can be absorbed through burn wounds to affect kidney function. Any client receiving gentamicin by any route should have kidney function monitored. Characteristically, gentamicin reaches high concentrations in the renal cortex and the inner ear.

Option A: Gentamicin does not stimulate pain in the wound. The gentamicin is prone to accumulate in the renal proximal tubular cells and can cause damage. Hence, mild proteinuria and reduction of the glomerular filtration rate are potential consequences of gentamicin use, achieving 14% of gentamicin users in a review.
Option B: The small, pale pink bumps in the wound bed are areas of re-epithelialization and not an adverse reaction. Renal function should be evaluated twice-weekly in patients without previous renal disease through serum creatinine and blood urea nitrogen. Periodic microscopic urinalysis is also vital to detect proteinuria and casts, which may indicate kidney injury.
Option C: The possible hypersensitivity manifestations of gentamicin are urticaria, eosinophilia, delayed-type hypersensitivity reaction (Stevens-Johnson syndrome and toxic epidermal necrolysis), angioedema, and anaphylactic shock. The clinical manifestations should guide the treatment strategy.

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