Burns and Burn Injury Q 47 - Gyan Darpan : Learning Portal
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Thursday 31 March 2022

Burns and Burn Injury Q 47

A client is being discharged today after undergoing autografting. What would the nurse include in the discharge instructions?
    A. Refrain from using splints.
    B. Avoid smoking.
    C. Exposed the site to sunlight.
    D. Encourage weight-bearing exercise.

Correct Answer: B. Avoid smoking.

Smoking can decrease the blood supply to the newly graft recipient bed interface, and the chance of graft failure increases. The combined effect of nicotine and carbon monoxide is deadly to the healing process. This can result in partial or complete loss of healing of the wound, skin graft, flap, or any combination of these. This can compromise the cosmetic results of the surgery.

Option A: Static or primary splints are used in the acute phase for skin graft protection after surgery or anti contracture positioning. These splints are applied to adjacent intact skin.
Option C: Healed burns or skin grafts may be extremely sensitive to sunlight and may sunburn more severely even after short periods of time in the sun compared to before the injury. Sun sensitivity after a burn injury may last for a year or more.
Option D: At least 3 weeks after surgery, avoid exercise that stretches the skin graft, unless the doctor gives other instructions. If the graft was placed on the legs, arms, hands, or feet, the patient may need physiotherapy to prevent scar tissue from limiting movement.

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