Pneumonia Q 8 - Gyan Darpan : Learning Portal
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Thursday 21 April 2022

Pneumonia Q 8

A nurse is caring for a client diagnosed with TB. Which assessment, if made by the nurse, would not be consistent with the usual clinical presentation of TB and may indicate the development of a concurrent problem?
     A. Non Productive or productive cough
     B. Anorexia and weight loss
     C. Chills and night sweats
     D. High-grade fever

Correct Answer: D. High-grade fever

The client with TB usually experiences cough (non-productive or productive), fatigue, anorexia, weight loss, dyspnea, hemoptysis, chest discomfort or pain, chills and sweats (which may occur at night), and a low-grade fever. Clients with TB typically have low-grade fevers, not higher than 102*F. A chronic cough, hemoptysis, weight loss, low-grade fever, and night sweats are some of the most common physical findings in pulmonary tuberculosis.

Option A: In pulmonary tuberculosis, the most commonly reported symptom is a chronic cough. Cough most of the time is productive, sometimes mixed with blood. Physical examination depends on the organs involved. In the case of pulmonary TB, a patient can have crepitations, and bronchial breath sounds, especially over the upper lobes or affected area indicating cavity or consolidation.
Option B: Constitutional symptoms like fever, weight loss, lymphadenopathy, and night sweats are commonly reported. Extrapulmonary tuberculosis can affect any organ and can have a varied presentation.
Option C: A chronic cough, hemoptysis, weight loss, low-grade fever, and night sweats are some of the most common physical findings in pulmonary tuberculosis. Secondary tuberculosis differs in clinical presentation from the primary progressive disease

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