Hematologic Disorders and Anemia Q 8 - Gyan Darpan : Learning Portal
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Wednesday 27 April 2022

Hematologic Disorders and Anemia Q 8

A client with microcytic anemia is having trouble selecting food items from the hospital menu. Which food is best for the nurse to suggest for satisfying the client’s nutritional needs and personal preferences?
     A. Egg yolks
     B. Brown rice
     C. Vegetables
     D. Tea

Correct Answer: B. Brown rice

Brown rice is a source of iron from plant sources (nonheme iron). Other sources of non-heme iron are whole-grain cereals and bread, dark green vegetables, legumes, nuts, dried fruits (apricots, raisins, dates), oatmeal, and sweet potatoes. Brown rice is a highly nutritious food. It is a whole grain that is relatively low in calories (216 calories per cup), high in fiber, gluten-free, and can be incorporated into a variety of dishes. The USA Rice Federation notes that brown rice contains no trans-fat or cholesterol. It has only trace amounts of fat and sodium.

Option A: Egg yolks have iron but it is not as well absorbed as iron from other sources. Eggs have 1.89 mg of iron, which increases energy and boosts the immune system. The protein in eggs helps to lower blood pressure, optimize bone health and increase muscle mass.
Option C: Vegetables are a good source of vitamins that may facilitate iron absorption. Vitamin C helps the stomach absorb iron. Eating leafy greens with foods that contain vitamin C such as oranges, red peppers, and strawberries may increase iron absorption. Some greens are good sources of both iron and vitamin C, such as collard greens and Swiss chard.
Option D: Tea contains tannin, which combines with nonheme iron, preventing its absorption. Tea interferes with iron absorption and can lead to iron deficiency anemia when consumed in large quantities. The fact that iron absorption can be reduced by tea consumption has been recognized for many years with the inhibitory effects predominantly facilitated by the marked iron?binding properties of the phenolic compounds bearing catechol groups in tea.

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