Gastrointestinal System Disorders Q 100 - Gyan Darpan : Learning Portal
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Friday 15 April 2022

Gastrointestinal System Disorders Q 100

Nurse Hannah is teaching a group of middle-aged men about peptic ulcers. When discussing risk factors for peptic ulcers, the nurse should mention:
    A. A sedentary lifestyle and smoking.
    B. A history of hemorrhoids and smoking.
    C. Alcohol abuse and a history of acute renal failure.
    D. Alcohol abuse and smoking.

Correct Answer: D. Alcohol abuse and smoking.

Risk factors for peptic (gastric and duodenal) ulcers include alcohol abuse, smoking, and stress. Peptic ulcer disease (PUD) has various causes; however, Helicobacter pylori-associated PUD and NSAID-associated PUD account for the majority of the disease etiology.

Option A: A sedentary lifestyle isn’t a risk factor for peptic ulcers. PUD is a global problem with a lifetime risk of development ranging from 5% to 10%. Overall, there is a decrease in the incidence of PUD worldwide due to improved hygienic and sanitary conditions combined with effective treatment and judicious use of NSAIDs.
Option B: A history of hemorrhoids isn’t a risk factor for peptic ulcers. Gastric and duodenal ulcers can be differentiated from the timing of their symptoms in relation to meals. Nocturnal pain is common with duodenal ulcers. Those with gastric outlet obstruction commonly report a history of abdomen bloating and or fullness.
Option C: Chronic renal failure, not acute renal failure, is associated with duodenal ulcers. The prognosis of PUD is excellent after the underlying cause is successfully treated. Recurrence of the ulcer may be prevented by maintaining good hygiene and avoiding alcohol, smoking, and NSAIDs.

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