Fluid & Electrolyte Q 47 - Gyan Darpan : Learning Portal
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Tuesday 29 March 2022

Fluid & Electrolyte Q 47

Mr. Miyazaki, who is diagnosed with bipolar disorder has been drinking copious amounts of water and voiding frequently. The patient is experiencing muscle cramps, twitching, and is reporting dizziness. the nurse checks lab work for:
    A. Complete blood count results, particularly the platelets.
    B. Electrolytes, particularly the serum sodium.
    C. Urine analysis, particularly for the presence of white blood cells.
    D. EEG results

Correct Answer: B. Electrolytes, particularly the serum sodium.

The patient is exhibiting behavior that could lead to a sodium and water imbalance and is exhibiting signs of hyponatremia. The nurse would check the electrolytes with attention to the sodium level. Monitor serum and urine electrolytes and osmolality. Evaluates therapy needs and effectiveness.

Option A: The monitoring of platelet quantity and function is frequently useful in evaluating the bleeding risk in hospitalized patients. In healthy patients, platelets are incredibly numerous, with a range of 150 to 350 x10/L. A drop in this number can indicate the consumption of platelets by a condition such as disseminated intravascular coagulation, or autoimmune destruction of platelets, as in immune thrombocytopenia.
Option C: When this test is positive and/or the WBC count in urine is high, it may indicate that there is inflammation in the urinary tract or kidneys. The most common cause for WBCs in urine (leukocyturia) is a bacterial urinary tract infection (UTI), such as a bladder or kidney infection.
Option D: An electroencephalogram (EEG) is an essential tool that studies the brain’s electrical activity. Despite the development of more advanced imaging techniques, EEG remains the essential paraclinical tool for seizure evaluation. It is primarily used to assess seizures and conditions that may mimic seizures.

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