Emergency Nursing & Triage Q 27 - Gyan Darpan : Learning Portal
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Wednesday 23 March 2022

Emergency Nursing & Triage Q 27

A group of people arrived at the emergency unit by a private car with complaints of periorbital swelling, cough, and tightness in the throat. There is a strong odor emanating from their clothes. They report exposure to a “gas bomb” that was set off in the house. What is the priority action?
    A. Instruct personnel to don personal protective equipment
    B. Direct the clients to the cold or clean zone for immediate treatment
    C. Immediately remove other clients and visitors from the area
    D. Measure vital signs and auscultate lung sounds
    E. Direct the clients to the decontamination area

Correct Answer: E. Direct the clients to the decontamination area.

Decontamination in a specified area is the priority. The decontamination and support areas are established within the Warm Zone, also referred to as the Contamination Reduction Zone. Decontamination involves thorough washing to remove contaminants.

Option A: Personnel should don personal protective equipment before assisting with decontamination or assessing the clients. Take precautionary measures to preserve the health and safety of emergency responders working within the Contamination Reduction (Warm) Zone and the Exclusion (Hot) Zone. This includes ensuring responders wear appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE).
Option B: The clients must undergo decontamination before entering cold or clean areas. In mass casualty incidents, decontamination corridors can be set up that consist of high volume, low-pressure water deluges. Assign personnel to decontamination stations to control and instruct victims when they enter the decontamination area.
Option C: Decontamination triage is especially important in mass casualty incidents and should not be confused with medical triage. Decontamination triage is the process of determining which victims require decontamination and which do not. Rapidly identifying victims who may not require decontamination can significantly reduce the time and resources needed for mass decontamination.
Option D: Set up or assign an area or building as a safe refuge/observation area for victims who do not require medical attention. Here they can be monitored for a delayed outbreak of symptoms or indications of residual contamination.

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