EENT and Sleep Disorders Q 73 - Gyan Darpan : Learning Portal
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Tuesday 22 March 2022

EENT and Sleep Disorders Q 73

A labyrinthectomy can be performed to treat Meniere’s syndrome. This procedure results in:
     A. Anosmia
     B. Absence of pain
     C. Reduction in cerumen
     D. Permanent irreversible deafness

Correct Answer: D. Permanent irreversible deafness.

The labyrinth is the inner ear and consists of the vestibule, cochlea, semicircular canals, utricle, saccule, cochlear duct, and membranous semicircular canals. A labyrinthectomy is performed to alleviate the symptoms of vertigo but results in deafness, because the organ of Corti and cochlear nerve are located in the inner ear. Its goal is to ablate abnormal signals from a diseased vestibular system in order to facilitate central compensation, and it is generally very successful.

Option A: Anosmia is the inability to perceive smell/odor. It can be temporary or permanent and acquired or congenital. There are many causes. Neurological causes can include disturbances to the sensory nerves that make up the olfactory bulb or anywhere along the path in which the signal of smell is transferred to the brain.
Option B: Total hearing loss, not absence of pain, in the operated ear is expected. Vertigo control rates are high (95 to 100%), but there is a significant possibility of persistent disequilibrium.
Option C: The dizziness resulting from a stable vestibulopathy (such as loss of a vestibular organ, or one-time damage to a vestibular organ) can typically be alleviated by central compensation, which can be facilitated by physiotherapy and rehabilitation. Labyrinthectomy is one option for the surgical ablation of the affected organ(s) of the vestibular system, essentially converting an unstable vestibulopathy to a stable one.

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