Gastrointestinal System Disorders Q 221 - Gyan Darpan : Learning Portal
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Tuesday 12 April 2022

Gastrointestinal System Disorders Q 221

When teaching a client about pancreatic function, the nurse understands that pancreatic lipase performs which function?
    A. Transports fatty acids into the brush border
    B. Breaks down fat into fatty acids and glycerol
    C. Triggers cholecystokinin to contract the gallbladder
    D. Breaks down protein into dipeptides and amino acids

Correct Answer: B. Breaks down fat into fatty acids and glycerol.

Lipase hydrolyses or breaks down fat into fatty acids and glycerol. Lipase is an enzyme that breaks down triglycerides into free fatty acids and glycerol. Lipases are present in pancreatic secretions and are responsible for fat digestion. There are many different types of lipases; for example, hepatic lipases are in the liver, hormone-sensitive lipases are in adipocytes, lipoprotein lipase is in the vascular endothelial surface, and pancreatic lipase in the small intestine.

Option A: Lipase is not involved with the transport of fatty acids into the brush border. Lipases are enzymes that play a crucial role in lipid transport. Hepatic lipase plays a crucial role in the formation and delivery of low-density lipoprotein(LDL). LDL is formed by the modification of intermediate density lipoprotein in the peripheral tissue and liver by hepatic lipase. These LDL particles are taken up, or endocytosed, via receptor-mediated endocytosis by target cell tissue. LDL serves to ultimately transport cholesterol from the liver to peripheral tissue.
Option C: Fat itself triggers cholecystokinin release. Hormone-sensitive lipase is found within fat tissue and is responsible for degrading the triglycerides that are stored within adipocytes. Fat necrosis occurs enzymatically and non-enzymatically. In acute pancreatitis, saponification of peripancreatic fat occurs. During traumatic events, such as physical injury in breast tissue, non-enzymatic fat necrosis takes place.
Option D: Protein breakdown into dipeptides and amino acids is the function of trypsin, not lipase. Lipoprotein lipase is found on the vascular endothelial surface and is responsible for degrading triglycerides that circulating from chylomicrons and VLDLs. Pancreatic lipase is found within the small intestine and is responsible for degrading dietary triglycerides.

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