Diabetes Mellitus Q 1 - Gyan Darpan : Learning Portal
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Saturday 9 April 2022

Diabetes Mellitus Q 1

Knowing that gluconeogenesis helps to maintain blood glucose levels, a nurse should:
    A. Document weight changes because of fatty acid mobilization.
    B. Evaluate the patient’s sensitivity to low room temperatures because of decreased adipose tissue insulation.
    C. Protect the patient from sources of infection because of decreased cellular protein deposits.
    D. Do all of the above.

Correct answer: D. Do all of the above

All measures ensure gluconeogenesis in maintaining glucose homeostasis. The purpose of gluconeogenesis is to maintain blood glucose levels during a fast. In the human body, some tissues rely almost exclusively on glucose as a metabolic fuel source.

Option A: Fatty acid oxidation is indispensable for gluconeogenesis; although fatty acid carbon cannot be used for glucose, fat oxidation provides both an energy source (ATP) to support gluconeogenesis and acetyl coenzyme A (acetyl-CoA) to activate pyruvate carboxylase.
Option B: Cold exposure is associated with hypothalamic signals to constrict the peripheral blood vessels, minimize sweat production, and increase metabolic heat production (i.e., shivering and nonshivering thermogenesis) during prolonged and/or severe cold exposure to prevent dangerous drops in core temperature.
Option C: A protein deficit can also take its toll on the immune system. Impaired immune function may increase the risk or severity of infections, a common symptom of severe protein deficiency.

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