Burns and Burn Injury Q 44 - Gyan Darpan : Learning Portal
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Thursday 31 March 2022

Burns and Burn Injury Q 44

Which statement made by the client with facial burns who has been prescribed to wear a facial mask pressure garment indicates a correct understanding of the purpose of this treatment?
    A. “After this treatment, my ears will not stick out.”
    B. “The mask will help protect my skin from sun damage.”
    C. “Using this mask will prevent scars from being permanent.”
    D. “My facial scars should be less severe with the use of this mask.”

Correct Answer: D. “My facial scars should be less severe with the use of this mask.”

The purpose of wearing the pressure garment over burn injuries for up to 1 year is to prevent hypertrophic scarring and contractures from forming. Hypertrophic burn scars pose a challenge for burn survivors and providers. In many cases, they can severely limit a burn survivor’s level of function, including work and recreational activities.

Option A: The pressure garment will not change the angle of the ear attachment to the head. By applying pressure to the burn or scar, the face mask keeps the skin soft and flat during the scar-forming phase of healing. It helps the face heal with the least amount of scarring. The transparent face mask is worn 18-20 hours every day for 8 months to 2 years until the skin graft is mature.
Option B: Although the mask does provide protection of sensitive newly healed skin and grafts from sun exposure, this is not the purpose of wearing the mask. A widespread modality of prevention and treatment of hypertrophic scarring is the utilization of pressure garment therapy (PGT).
Option C: Scars will still be present. This treatment modality continues to be a clinically accepted practice. It is the most common therapy used for the treatment and prevention of abnormal scars after burn injury particularly in North America, Europe, and Scandinavia where it is considered routine practice and regarded as the preferred conservative management with reported thinning and better pliability ranging from 60% to 85%.

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